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Single Tooth

Implant dentistry is a discipline that has advanced over decades with its clinical efficacy proven in countless research studies and clinical trials. In addition to being a safe restorative solution for patients with several teeth missing, it is also a good option for replacing a single missing tooth.

Whether it was caused by an injury or decay, a missing tooth can leave an unsightly gap in the mouth, making many people feel self-conscious in public. What people don't realise is that something can be done about this.

A dental implant, a small titanium screw, can be placed in that gap and will be anchored in the jawbone and gums. Depending on your individual needs, a tooth-coloured crown or bridge is then fitted on top of the implant, giving you a restoration that looks like your other teeth. In addition, you will be able to eat, bite and chew with this new tooth.

With years of clinical experience and a Clinical Certificate in Implantology at the University of Sheffield, as well as Advanced Surgical Training at the Royal College of Surgeons, Dr Andrew Legg places implants on a regular basis and helps patients to smile again